Aspen’s Disenchantment with Ranked-Choice Voting: A Cautionary Tale

Aspen’s Disenchantment with Ranked-Choice Voting: A Cautionary Tale

Even when ranked-choice voting works well, it still doesn’t work.  In November, Nevadans will be asked to vote on Ballot Question 3, which will enshrine ranked-choice voting (RCV) into the Nevada constitution. I’ve authored many articles about the terrible, long-lasting consequences of a yes vote, which would take a minimum of four years to undo…

Question 3: Experience of Other States Highlights Perils of RCV

Question 3: Experience of Other States Highlights Perils of RCV

Proponents of ranked-choice voting claim the system guarantees a majority winner, increased participation, decreased negative campaigning and an end to “strategic voting.” Those who live in states which have already adopted ranked-choice voting, on the ballot in Nevada this fall, say that hasn’t happened. “I don’t like ranked-choice voting because it disenfranchises voters, makes it…